Workplace Legal Solutions

Settlement Agreements

two hands in firm grip

photo credit:

Work based Training

woman teaching

photo credit: cybrarian77

Workplace Investigations

jigsaw puzzle

photo credit: FutUndBeidl

Workplace Relations – HR

Group of people working together

photo credit: Saad Faruque


t: 0161 8701111

f: 0844 251 0401

m: 07790 774512


Rada has been the Group’s employment law adviser for over 3 years. During this period she has provided not just myself, but other senior managers with competent, timely and professional advice and guidance. We have greatly valued Rada’s expert knowledge and ability to resolve complex/challenging staffing matters. Rada has also provided training to managers on specific topics, for example investigation training, which was enjoyed by participants and has greatly assisted the organisation in this c…
John FletcherHR DirectorLonghurst Group